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Creating a report style

When generating an As Built Report, its formatting and style is defined using a PowerShell (.ps1) script which utilises a set of PScribo cmdlets.

This guide can be used to create custom style scripts which match your individual and/or corporate identities.


This guide assumes you have already installed an AsBuiltReport module.

Most of the information contained within this guide has been sourced from the official PScribo documentation.


Use the default style script as a reference for creating a new style script, or download some sample styles from our GitHub repository.

Global Document Options

The DocumentOption cmdlet is used to set global document options, including default font, page size, margins and orientation.

EnableSectionNumbering enables automatic numbering of document sections.

PageSize sets the page size. Available options include A4, Letter and Legal.

DefaultFont sets the default font. It is highly recommended to use a standard, web-safe font.

MarginLeftAndRight sets the left and right page margins to the points (pt) specified.

MarginTopAndBottom sets the top and bottom page margins to the points (pt) specified.

Orientation sets the document's default page orientation. It is highly recommended that you do not modify the $Orientation parameter value.

Additonal Information
get-help about_PScriboDocument
# Default DocumentOption
DocumentOption -EnableSectionNumbering -PageSize 'A4' -DefaultFont 'Arial' -MarginLeftAndRight 71 -MarginTopAndBottom 71 -Orientation $Orientation

# Custom DocumentOption
# Disable automatic section numbering. Set page size to Letter. Set default font to Tahoma. Set custom page margins.
DocumentOption -PageSize 'Letter' -DefaultFont 'Tahoma' -MarginLeftAndRight 74 -MarginTopAndBottom 65 -Orientation $Orientation


The Style cmdlet defines a custom formatting style which can be applied to section headings, paragraphs and within table styles. Styles need to be defined before any formatting can be applied within a document (with the exception of paragraphs). Each style permits the setting of the font to use, the font size and colour.

Additonal Information
get-help about_PScriboStyles

Default Styles

A style script uses a standard set of styles for a report. These styles are defined below and must be included in every style script.

## Title & Heading Styles
Normal              - Default text style
Title               - Cover Page Title text style
Title 2             - Cover Page Subtitle 1 text style
Title 3             - Cover Page Subtitle 2 text style
TOC                 - Section heading Table of Contents text style
Heading 1           - Section heading level 1 text style
Heading 2           - Section heading level 2 text style
Heading 3           - Section heading level 3 text style
Heading 4           - Section heading level 4 text style
NO TOC Heading 4    - Section heading level 4 text style - Exclude From TOC
Heading 5           - Section heading level 5 text style
NO TOC Heading 5    - Section heading level 5 text style - Exclude From TOC
Heading 6           - Section heading level 6 text style
NO TOC Heading 6    - Section heading level 6 text style - Exclude From TOC
NO TOC Heading 7    - Section heading level 7 text style - Exclude From TOC

## Header & Footer Styles
Header              - Document header style
Footer              - Document footer style

## Table Heading & Row Styles
TableDefaultHeading - Table heading row style
TableDefaultRow     - Table row style
TableDefaultAltRow  - Table alternating row style

# Table Caption Style
Caption             - Table caption style

## Table Row/Cell Highlight Styles
Critical            - Table row/cell highlight style for critical alerts
Warning             - Table row/cell highlight style for warning alerts
Info                - Table row/cell highlight style for informational alerts
OK                  - Table row/cell highlight style for known good alerts

Custom Styles

Using the default style names, these styles can be customised to suit your individual requirements.

Font, Size, Color and Text alignment are just some of the style properties which can be customised to tailor a report to your liking.

Additional styles can also be defined for use in custom defined sections, paragraphs and tables.

Custom Style Definitions Example
# Heading & Font Styles Formatting
Style -Name 'Title' -Size 24 -Color '072E58' -Align Center
Style -Name 'Title 2' -Size 18 -Color '204369' -Align Center
Style -Name 'Title 3' -Size 12 -Color '395879' -Align Left
Style -Name 'Heading 1' -Size 16 -Color '072E58'
Style -Name 'Heading 2' -Size 14 -Color '204369'
Style -Name 'Heading 3' -Size 13 -Color '395879'
Style -Name 'Heading 4' -Size 12 -Color '958026'
Style -Name 'NO TOC Heading 4' -Size 12 -Color '958026'
Style -Name 'Heading 5' -Size 11 -Color '009684'
Style -Name 'NO TOC Heading 5' -Size 11 -Color '009684'
Style -Name 'Heading 6' -Size 10 -Color '009683'
Style -Name 'NO TOC Heading 6' -Size 10 -Color '009683'
Style -Name 'NO TOC Heading 7' -Size 10 -Color '00EBCD' -Italic
Style -Name 'Normal' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -Default

# Header & Footer Formatting
Style -Name 'Header' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -Align Center
Style -Name 'Footer' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -Align Center

# Table of Contents Formatting
Style -Name 'TOC' -Size 16 -Color '072E58'

# Table Heading & Row Formatting
Style -Name 'TableDefaultHeading' -Size 10 -Color 'FAFAFA' -BackgroundColor '072E58'
Style -Name 'TableDefaultRow' -Size 10 -Color '565656'
Style -Name 'TableDefaultAltRow' -Size 10 -Color '000000' -BackgroundColor 'EAEAE6'

# Table Row/Cell Highlight Formatting
Style -Name 'Critical' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -BackgroundColor 'FEDDD7'
Style -Name 'Warning' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -BackgroundColor 'FFF4C7'
Style -Name 'Info' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -BackgroundColor 'E3F5FC'
Style -Name 'OK' -Size 10 -Color '565656' -BackgroundColor 'DFF0D0'

# Table Caption Formatting
Style -Name 'Caption' -Size 10 -Color '072E58' -Italic -Align Left

Table Styles

The TableStyle cmdlet defines a custom formatting style for tables that is comprised of a heading, row and alternate row styles.

Table styles are a combination of individual styles with some additional formatting options specific to tables, i.e. borders and padding. A table style can specify a style for the heading row, a default row style and an optional alternating row style. The individual styles used by within a table style must first be defined with the Style cmdlet before they can be used within TableStyle.

Just like individual document styles, it is possible to create your own custom table styles, override the built-in style and set a different table style as the "default".

Table Style Definitions
# Define Default Table Style Properties
$TableDefaultProperties = @{
    Id = 'TableDefault'
    HeaderStyle = 'TableDefaultHeading'
    RowStyle = 'TableDefaultRow'
    BorderColor = '072E58'
    Align = 'Left'
    CaptionStyle = 'Caption'
    CaptionLocation = 'Below'
    BorderWidth = 0.25
    PaddingTop = 1
    PaddingBottom = 1.5
    PaddingLeft = 2
    PaddingRight = 2

# Set Default Table Styles
TableStyle @TableDefaultProperties -Default
# Create a Table without a border
TableStyle -Id 'Borderless' -HeaderStyle Normal -RowStyle Normal -BorderWidth 0

Table of Contents

The TOC cmdlet creates a 'Table of Contents' from the document's section headings.

Each report will include a JSON configuration file which provides an option to enable/disable the Table of Contents.

Show Table of Contents Option
    "Report": {
        "Name": "VMware vSphere As Built Report",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Status": "Released",
        "ShowCoverPageImage": true,
        "ShowTableOfContents": true,
        "ShowHeaderFooter": true,
        "ShowTableCaptions": true

Should you wish to include an option for a Table of Contents within your style script, ensure you add the following code to the end of your script.

# Set TOC, if enabled in report JSON configuration
if ($ReportConfig.Report.ShowTableOfContents) {
    # Add Table of Contents
    TOC -Name 'Table of Contents'

Table Captions

Each report will include a JSON configuration file which provides an option to enable/disable table captions.

Ensure you configure CaptionStyle and CaptionLocation in your table properties.

Show Table Caption Option
    "Report": {
        "Name": "VMware vSphere As Built Report",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Status": "Released",
        "ShowCoverPageImage": true,
        "ShowTableOfContents": true,
        "ShowHeaderFooter": true,
        "ShowTableCaptions": true
Caption Style & Location Definitions
# Define default Table Style properties
$TableDefaultProperties = @{
    Id = 'TableDefault'
    HeaderStyle = 'TableDefaultHeading'
    RowStyle = 'TableDefaultRow'
    BorderColor = '072E58'
    Align = 'Left'
    CaptionStyle = 'Caption'
    CaptionLocation = 'Below'
    BorderWidth = 0.25
    PaddingTop = 1
    PaddingBottom = 1.5
    PaddingLeft = 2
    PaddingRight = 2

Headers and Footers

The Header and Footer cmdlets define the document header and footer on the first and/or all pages of the document.

Each report will include a JSON configuration file which provides an option to enable/disable document headers and footers.

Show Header/Footer Option
    "Report": {
        "Name": "VMware vSphere As Built Report",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Status": "Released",
        "ShowCoverPageImage": true,
        "ShowTableOfContents": true,
        "ShowHeaderFooter": true,
        "ShowTableCaptions": true

The following code should be included in your style script to utilise the report configration option. The highlighted lines can be modified to suit your requirements.

# Set Header & Footer, if enabled in report JSON configuration
if ($ReportConfig.Report.ShowHeaderFooter) {
    Header -Default {
        Paragraph -Style Header -Text "$($ReportConfig.Report.Name) - v$($ReportConfig.Report.Version)"

    Footer -Default {
        Paragraph -Style Footer -Text 'Page <!# PageNumber #!>'
Additional Information
get-help Header -Detailed
get-help Footer -Detailed


Images are not supported when using Linux & macOS

Unfortunately due to breaking changes in .NET 6, images are no longer supported for reports generated using Linux or macOS.

The Image cmdlet is used to insert images into a document. An image can be specified using the URI or Base64 parameters.

Images can be converted to a Base64 string using an online image converter such as Base64.Guru.

Align and Percent values can be adjusted to horizontally position and size the image.

Additional Information
get-help Image -Detailed

Cover Page

The code below should be included in a style script to set a cover image or logo. The highlighted line can be modified to suit your requirements.

Set Cover Page Image
# Show Cover page image, if enabled in report JSON configuration
if ($ReportConfig.Report.ShowCoverPageImage) {
    Try {
        Image -Text 'My Image' -Align Left -Percent 50 -Base64 <Base64 string>
    } Catch {
        Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning -Message ".NET Core is required for cover page image support. Please install .NET Core or disable 'ShowCoverPageImage' in the report JSON configuration file."