Please follow these quick and simple instructions to install As Built Report.
System Requirements
As Built Report will generally support both Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7, however each individual report will have its own system requirements.
Please refer to the report module user guides for PowerShell compatibility and system requirements.
PowerShell Version
Open a PowerShell console and run the following command to determine your version of PowerShell.
$PSVersionTable Sample Output
Name | Value |
PSVersion | 7.2.5 |
PSEdition | Core |
GitCommitId | 7.2.5 |
OS | Microsoft Windows 10.0.22000 |
Platform | Win32NT |
PSCompatibleVersions | {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…} |
PSRemotingProtocolVersion | 2.3 |
SerializationVersion | |
WSManStackVersion | 3.0 |
Third Party PowerShell Modules
Please refer to the report module user guide to check the system requirements for each report. Please follow the report module instructions to install any third party PowerShell modules which may be required.
# Install third party PowerShell module examples
Install-Module -Name 'VMware.PowerCLI' -Scope 'CurrentUser'
Install-Module -Name 'PureStoragePowerShellSDK' -Scope 'CurrentUser'
Online Installation
For an online installation, install As Built Report modules using the PowerShell Gallery;
# Find AsBuiltReport modules published in the PowerShell Gallery
Find-Module -Name 'AsBuiltReport.*' -Repository 'PSGallery'
# Install AsBuiltReport module example
Install-Module -Name 'AsBuiltReport.VMware.vSphere' -Scope 'CurrentUser'
Offline Installation
For an offline installation, perform the following steps from a machine with internet connectivity;
Save the required modules to a specified folder.
# Find AsBuiltReport modules published in the PowerShell Gallery
Find-Module -Name 'AsBuiltReport.*' -Repository 'PSGallery'
# Save AsBuiltReport module example
Save-Module -Name 'AsBuiltReport.VMware.vSphere' -Path 'C:\Path\To\Specified\Folder'
Copy the downloaded PowerShell module folders to a location that can be made accessible to the offline system. e.g. USB Flash Drive, Internal File Share etc.
On the offline system, open a PowerShell console window and run the following command to determine the PowerShell module path.
macOS & Linux
Copy the downloaded PowerShell module folders to a folder specified in the $env:PSModulePath